Intermediate programming with R
Explanation of columns in “counts-raw.txt.gz”:
- doi - digital object identifier
- pubDate - Date of publication, format: yyyy-mm-dd
- journal - Abbreviation of PLOS journal
- title - Title of article
- articleType - Article classification
- authorsCount - Number of authors
- f1000Factor - Score assigned by Faculty of 1000
- backtweetsCount - Number of tweets
- deliciousCount - Number of bookmarks in Delicious
- pmid - PubMed ID number
- plosSubjectTags - Descriptions of the subject areas of the article
- plosSubSubjectTags - More specific descriptions of the subject areas of the article
- facebookShareCount - Number of Facebook shares
- facebookLikeCount - Number of Facebook likes
- facebookCommentCount - Number of Facebook comments
- facebookClickCount - Number of Facebook clicks
- mendeleyReadersCount - Number of Mendeley users that bookmarked article
- almBlogsCount - Number of blog posts that link to article
- pdfDownloadsCount - Number of PDF downloads
- xmlDownloadsCount - Number of XML downloads
- htmlDownloadsCount - Number of page views
- almCiteULikeCount - Number of saves in CiteULike
- almScopusCount - Number of citations in Scopus
- almPubMedCentralCount - Number of citations in PubMed Central
- almCrossRefCount - Number of citations in CrossRef
- plosCommentCount - Number of comments on PLOS website
- plosCommentResponsesCount - Number of responses to comments on PLOS website
- wikipediaCites - Number of links to article
- year - Year of publication, format: yyyy
- daysSincePublished - Number of days since publication (out-dated)
- wosCountThru2010 - Number of citations in Web of Science as of 2010
- wosCountThru2011 - Number of citations in Web of Science as of 2011
- filter - subset rows
- select - subset columns
- arrange - sort column(s)
- mutate - create new column(s)
- group_by - split data into groups based on values in column(s)
- summarize - reduce all rows (per group) to one summary row
- %>% - pipe output of one function to the next
- aes - Map columns of data frame to plot aesthetics
- x - data on x-axis
- y - data on y-axis
- color - color of points and lines
- shape - shape of points
- size - size of points
- fill - color of geometric shapes
- geom_* - The geometric objects to be plotted
- geom_point - scatter plot
- geom_bar - bar plot
- geom_histogram - histogram
- geom_smooth - loess curve
- geom_text - use text labels instead of points
- geom_errorbar - Add error bars
- scale_x_log10, scale_y_log10 - Log transform an axis
- scale_x_continuous, scale_x_discrete - Change breaks and labels on axis
- scale_color_manual, scale_fill_manual, scale_color_brewer - Change colors used for color or fill aesthetics
- facet_grid, facet_wrap - Create a plot per group
- theme - Change the appearance of the plot
- debug(function_name) - Enter debugger whenever function is called
- browser() - Enter debugger
- options(error = recover) - Set this option to enter debugger whenever an error occurs
Defensive programming
- stopifnot(cond1, cond2, …) - Stop if any of the listed conditions are FALSE
- From package testit:
- assert(“message”, cond1, …) - Stop and print message if any of the listed conditions are FALSE
- has_warning(expr) - Return TRUE if expression creates a warning
- has_error(expr) - Return TRUE if expression creates an error